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   Membership in the Aguabonita Flyfishers is open to anyone.  Our club members have interests in many aspects of the sport of fly fishing but also in conservation and educational outreach programs.

          Annual Cost for Membership

  •  General Membership .......................... $35.00

  •  Associate membership ...................... $5.00

  •  Family Membership (Single residence) ($45.00)

  •  Youth membership ............................. $10.00

  •  Life membership ................................. $350.00

  •  One time initiation fee ........................ $10.00

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Club membership


Mail to the address at the top of the form.

       Benefits of Membership

Equipment: A variety of club equipment is available for members to borrow at a minimal cost.

Events: Club outings and other events such as classes and our annual banquet. Outings usually center around fly fishing; however some may be of a social or conservation nature.

Library: A large selection of fly fishing resources containing books, journals, videos, dvds and other publications on many aspects of fly fishing are available to club members for a small check-out fee.

Newsletter: "The Flyline" is our monthly newsletter which provides a wealth of information on upcoming activities, programs, and other useful items. An email version is sent to members for free.


Click the image to the left to download a sample of our Club newsletter.

Click the image to the left to download our Club brochure.

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